We tried to get our last bagel…but the line was out the door. So we found another shop but after the best bagels in town was largely disappointed. We found ourselves at another hostel for our self-defense workshop.

The instructor was a slight man whose philosophy on self-defense was great.

The first defense is confidence and awareness. He walked us through scenarios and when he put his acting cap on it was intense! His role as perpetrators was so real. We wanted to learn how to physically defend ourselves so our last lesson was how to knee someone. EMPOWERMENT!!! Until you actually go through the process of grabbing someone behind the neck and pulling them into your knee that is kicking, you cannot feel the physical power you carry within yourself – no matter how tiny the person is. A last round robin circle, photo ops, exchanging info and then Feminist Summer Camp 2010 was over.

Unfortunately I had to deal with some fraudulent charges so I had to excuse myself to deal with the bank.
One last Virginia girls adventure…we made our way back to the hostel to change and venture to Empire State. Walking around Rockefeller Center was tourist mecca…

Our last meal was at Le Pain Quotidien. www.lepainquotidien.com/ Yum!

Although the hibiscus tea was ick, the food was amazing, the dessert was scrumptious and the coffee was to die for. The little touches like warmed milk and your personal coffee pot was cute. Katie had to meet some other girls so we parted at the subway

so Amy and I could get our things at the hostel. We got on the express train…and passed the stop. We had a cushion of time but it was slowly diminishing. We found the right train, hauled to the hostel, hurriedly gathered our things and rushed out the door to catch a cab at Central Park West. We jumped in with joy

…an after a couple blocks got stuck in traffic. Panic started rushing in as we slowly maneuvered our way through traffic and got on the highway to LaGuardia. 7 was our deadline time of being there and we managed to get there at 7:03. Through the check in, security, and FINALLY on our way to the gate. Almost there and I hear my name…Christina who I worked with at ODU was sitting at our gate! Small world! She was returning from a conference herself. Too funny…

Our pilot had superman on the wings of the plane and we arrived 25 minutes early.
Amy’s phone had died so she waited for her ride (which ended up being an ordeal for her) and Cassie pulled up in her vehicle.
My luggage gained too much weight apparently on the trip…at least that’s what it felt like to me.
In the car…and on my way home. Happiness!!!
I'm so thankful for the donors who made this amazing trip possible, for the support of the best women's studies department, family and friends who encouraged and supported, the fellow students that made this week fabulous, and a great partner who not only put up with my challenging dog but with whose encouragement and support I couldn't have done this.
I am one lucky gal...
Wonderful! Thanks for sharing this, Teri! can't wait to hear more --- so proud of you both! Roxie