Upcoming Episode Teaser…
As the Goddess & GIT frolic through the land of Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls, Rai Key (in the true dyke style of feminizing a masculine name) is bringing sexy back via the traditions of Ma Bell. Nightly interludes with the Pinskupp Indian, Plays with Storm, has created atmospheric disturbances…

I believe the mysterious boom in the sky Sunday night is now solved. But no worries, kiddies, this isn’t going to be a Wham-Bam-Thank You Ma’am & Ma’am situation…they are taking it slow…the U-Haul is only on standby.
There will be a brief intermission while the Goddess hangs with Oprah...hanging on for dear life in fear of getting blown away…GIT will be immersed in her goddess training manual in hopes of one day becoming a full fledged, grown up goddess herself…

Closing Scene::: Pinot, the talking dog, is pimp walking down the sidewalk…the strut taught perfectly by the owner…hips bouncing from side to side…all other dogs can’t help but strain their necks in admiration for the coolest dog on the block…until Pinot stumbles, rolls head over tail down the hill, faster and faster, fear getting in the eyes….will Pinot survive?
Or was the streak in the sky the Super Baby Dog….come to save the day again?
There will be a brief intermission while the Goddess hangs with Oprah...hanging on for dear life in fear of getting blown away…GIT will be immersed in her goddess training manual in hopes of one day becoming a full fledged, grown up goddess herself…

Closing Scene::: Pinot, the talking dog, is pimp walking down the sidewalk…the strut taught perfectly by the owner…hips bouncing from side to side…all other dogs can’t help but strain their necks in admiration for the coolest dog on the block…until Pinot stumbles, rolls head over tail down the hill, faster and faster, fear getting in the eyes….will Pinot survive?

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