Saturday, July 11, 2009
A moment to sit...
I realize I left off at the first Pride march...and except for one glorious blog that was frozen before I was able to has been chock full of surreal and amazing experiences on this incredible journey.
Quick synopsis...
June 27 - Dyke rally, dyke march and Pink party
June 28 - Pride parade and street festival, saw the Cliks, got chest signed by Lucas
June 29 - Moved to new house in the Mission
June 30 - homework and reading
July 1 - Home Restaurant with amazing happy hour & Karaoke!!!
July 2 - Homework and reading
July 3 - Chinatown & magazine launch party
July 4 - San Francisco Mime Troupe in Dolores Park, met Radical Women, fireworks on the waterfront
July 5 - Folsom street Jazz Festival, moved to new house in Presidio
July 6 - beginning of the week of tragic public transportation experiences
July 7 - Georgia O'Keeffe and Ansel Adams at Moma, Modern Times Book store reading of Femmes of Power, spoke with Lynnee Breedlove, Met the bearded ladies
July 8 - Major deadline of project
July 9 - Lecture with Max Wolfvalerio
July 10 - 4 hour walk through the to follow....Giants game, Midnight Mass with Peaches Christ featuring Linda Blair
Amongst and between the experiences have been moments of surrealism, thoughts to feed off of for the next ten years.
But at least I am semi-caught up...with thoughts and pics to follow...but time to rest...for it's a picnic in the park and listening to Joan Baez...I never thought I would have this opportunity...
Love and magic from the foggy city...
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Friday Continued..and the other Prides...
I was already tired laying on the grass before the march started...sigh...
After marching, which was quite a different experience compared to last night's trans march, we made our way over the hills and through the streets to the Pink Party. Actually the group became one as I made my way through the wicked crazy crowd to meet Heath. Market St was closed through the Castro as the Pink Party took over the streets of Castro. Gigormous disco ball in the street, yummy beverages to be drank..and an insane amount of people all through the
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Oftentimes as I transgress through the days...especially in the consistent pace I have been going here...I forget the connection to nature that as humans we are not seperate from but rather in the midst of.
With the egocentric perspective that homosapiens have generally, there is a ruling of the world mentality that removes ourselves from the rhythm of the environment.
I was reminded this morning how the traits of what is around us gives us the strength and examples we need to get through certain moments and time periods....such as...
Fox: Subtly clever
Eagle: Unwavering
Wind: Able to impact all gently without their notice
Unicorn: Valiant, intense and beautiful
Dolphin: Frolicking freely
Lake: Is reflective and has a deepness to it
Thinking strictly of the wind last night as it tore through Chinatown, making the bells ring and the people freeze, hair going in all directions while papers do the same. It is this intangible wind that I am in awe of...for without being able to hold onto its strength it has the power to draw a kiss on a cheek or tear a house too shreds.
As a dolphin in the waves, when we allow ourselves to swim in the ocean...can we let go of life and simply frolick freely? Are we too worried about what may be, what may happen, what is going to happen to let go and just be?
With the presence of so much to do here...I am looking forward to spending a day in the park. Slooshball or not...just frolicking and being free...feeling the wind's grace...watching the fog roll in...and ending in seeing the talents of firecrackers lighting the sky...embracing the colors of flowers in electric motion.